- Force empty trash yosemite how to#
- Force empty trash yosemite pro#
OS X V10.7 Lion :: Empty Trash May Not Delete Folders In Trash If Using Network Home Directory. Software :: Can't Empty Or Secure Empty My Trash?. Force empty trash yosemite pro#
MacBook Pro :: Change Trash From Secure Empty To Just Empty?. OS X :: Whats The Difference Between Empty And Securely Empty The Trash?. MacBook Pro :: Can't Use Empty Trash Or Secure Empty Trash?. OS X :: Secure Empty Trash Regain GB's But Not Empty Trash.?. OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unable To Empty Trash Due To External USB HDDs Locked Files. OS X V10.7 Lion :: Unable To Delete Things - Giving Empty To Trash Option Only?. Intel Mac :: Unable To Empty Trash Getting Constant Faultcode -8003. OS X :: Unable To Empty Items From Trash / Not Deleting Files Even After Restart. OS X :: Spotlight Function Of Show All Does Not Respond / Unable To Empty Trash. OS X V10.5 Leopard :: Unable To Empty Trash Folder?. Mac Mini :: Empty Trash Unable To Complete. Intel Mac :: Unable To Empty Trash Fully?. OS X :: Unable To Empty The Trash - Process Bar Is Stuck?. OS X :: How Unsecure Is Empty Trash Compared To Secure Empty Trash?. MacBook :: IOS 4 - Unable To Empty Trash. Mac Mini :: Unable To Empty Trash Using 10.6.2. OS X :: Unable To Empty Trash (Files In Use). OS X Yosemite :: Can't Empty Trash / Error Code -43. OS X Yosemite :: Repeating File In Trash / Can't Empty It. Force empty trash yosemite how to#
OS X Yosemite :: How To Empty Trash On WD External Drive. MacBook Air, OS X Yosemite (10.10) View 1 Replies I think most of the files that are stuck in trash are files from the hard drive that I tried to delete. I'm assuming this is an issue to do with the connection of my external hard drive.
But when I next connect to the external hard drive, all the files are there again.
Occasionally if I run through the process a few times my trash appears to empty. I've tried rebuilding the trash bin from the command prompt using sudo rm -ri ~/.Trash This worked twice in the past when I had a similar problem. Which ever one I click the trash doesn't empty. I get 3 options, stop, skip and continue. If I try and empty it, it crashes, I've i do secure empty, I get a message ' The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in xxxx can't be read or written. At this point, I get a different list of items in my trash. It works fine if I'm using my air on its own, however I occasionally plug into a usb hub which has a screen and hard disk connected to it. I'm unable to empty the trash on my macbook air in certain circumstances. OS X Yosemite :: Unable To Empty The Trash Dec 4, 2014